Тег body

Html vs body in css

Related Resources

  • HTML5 Page Structure
  • How to Set Background Color with HTML and CSS
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  • How to Use and Style Icons with Pure CSS: An Ultimate Guide
  • How and When to Use !important Rule in CSS
  • How to Style Buttons with CSS
  • How to Change the Color of PNG Image With CSS
  • How to Override CSS Styles
  • How to Create an Overlay Using CSS
  • How to Hide Scrollbars with CSS
  • How to Create a Drop Shadow for PNG Images
  • How to Create a Fixed Navbar with CSS
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  • How to Display the Hidden Element on Hovering Over Hyperlink or <a> Tag
  • How to Make the Cursor a Hand When Hovering Over a List Item
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  • How To Create a Glowing Text
  • How to Add a Fade out Text Effect with CSS
  • How to Create a Shining Text Animation Effect
  • How to Add HTML Entities with the CSS content Property
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  • How to Add a Vertical Text with CSS Cross-Browser
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  • How to Import Google Fonts in CSS File
  • How to Create Animation on Page Load
  • How to Add Colors to Bootstrap Icons with CSS
  • How to Get a Specific Number of Child Elements With CSS
  • How to Break Line Without Using <br> Tag in CSS
  • How to Set a Box-Shadow on One Side of the Element
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  • How to Remove Border from the <iframe> Tag
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  • How To Make a <div> Element Extend to the Page Bottom Even Having No Content

How to style tag?

Common properties to alter the visual weight/emphasis/size of text in <body> tag:

  • CSS font-style property sets the style of the font. normal | italic | oblique | initial | inherit.
  • CSS font-family property specifies a prioritized list of one or more font family names and/or generic family names for the selected element.
  • CSS font-size property sets the size of the font.
  • CSS font-weight property defines whether the font should be bold or thick.
  • CSS text-transform property controls text case and capitalization.
  • CSS text-decoration property specifies the decoration added to text, and is a shorthand property for text-decoration-line, text-decoration-color, text-decoration-style.

Coloring text in <body> tag:

  • CSS color property describes the color of the text content and text decorations.
  • CSS background-color property sets the background color of an element.

Text layout styles for <body> tag:

  • CSS text-indent property specifies the indentation of the first line in a text block.
  • CSS text-overflow property specifies how overflowed content that is not displayed should be signalled to the user.
  • CSS white-space property specifies how white-space inside an element is handled.
  • CSS word-break property specifies where the lines should be broken.

Other properties worth looking at for <body> tag:

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